Fuelled by cask ale.
Kevsoft RISC OS SoftwareSoftware for RISC OS ComputersNew Application PhoneValI have released a new application for RISC OS called PhoneVal which is an international phone number validation application. Once a phone number has been entered and the country selected the application will give some basic information about that number, which can be saved as either a plain text file or as an HTML file. … Continue reading "New Application PhoneVal"PhoneVal Updated Software Wed, 05 Feb 2025 20:36:56 +0000 Currency Gets A Bug FixMy currency exchange application for RISC OS called Currency has had a little bug fix taking it to version 2.06 The bug was introduced in the previous version in when checking for World Bank Data if the data was downloaded then it would error has now been fixed. It does require a working internet connection, … Continue reading "Currency Gets A Bug Fix"Currency Updated Software Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:31:58 +0000 CardInfo Gets LogosMy RISC OS application for getting basic information about bank cards called CardInfo has been upgraded to version 1.01 The only new feature in this version is that the logos of the card scheme has been added. The following logos are: I want to add more logos but I first must have details about themi.e … Continue reading "CardInfo Gets Logos"CardInfo Updated Software Tue, 21 Jan 2025 16:35:07 +0000 BankInfo Version 1.01My RISC OS application for displaying basic bank information called BankInfo has had a little upgrade taking it to version 1.01 New in this version is if a space has been inserted in any of the fields the application will deal with it instead of throwing up an error message,also somoe improvements to the error … Continue reading "BankInfo Version 1.01"BankInfo Updated Software Wed, 01 Jan 2025 22:31:48 +0000 New Application BankInfo ReleaseI have created a new RISC OS application for getting some bank information called BankInfo which is at version 1.00 What this application does is it can get some basic bank information from an IBAN code SWIFT code for Austrian and German banks it can do that with BLZ codes and with United States of … Continue reading "New Application BankInfo Release"BankInfo Updated Software api openai programming technology Fri, 27 Dec 2024 21:02:00 +0000 TrainTimes Goes To Version 2.06My RISC OS application for displaying information about Great British Train Time Tables called TrainTimes has been upgraded to version 2.06 Their is a few updates in this new version which are, a new menu item in the Station Details window called Station Data which will take you to Railway Data’s page for that station, … Continue reading "TrainTimes Goes To Version 2.06"TrainTimes Updated Software Mon, 16 Dec 2024 18:48:36 +0000 Kclock Goes To Version 1.02My somple little RISC OS application for displaying the time and date called Kclock has had another little update taking it to version 1.02 New in this version is that the time is now displayed on the iconbar. No updates for over 20 years and 2 in about a month. If you find this or … Continue reading "Kclock Goes To Version 1.02"Kclock Updated Software Wed, 13 Nov 2024 18:48:01 +0000 MACadd Goes ItalianMy application for RISC OS that displays information about MAC addresses called MACadd has been upgraded to version 2.05 What is new in this version is that an Italian language pack has been added to the application. It does require a working internet connection and wget to work with the data coming from MAC address … Continue reading "MACadd Goes Italian"MACadd Updated Software Mon, 11 Nov 2024 22:15:01 +0000 Kclock Goes To Version 1.01My simple little clock application for RISC OS called Kclock has after over 20 years received it’s first ever update taking it to version 1.01 New in this version is that it is using a later version of the Dr Wimp library and if people are using versions of RISC OS 3.50 and over the … Continue reading "Kclock Goes To Version 1.01"Kclock Updated Software Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:55:03 +0000 First Release of CardInfoThis is the first release of a brand new RISC OS application for giving information about bank cards from the first six digits call CardInfo. The information can be saved as a text file, I am open to saving in more file types if people are interested. It does require a working internet connection and … Continue reading "First Release of CardInfo"CardInfo New Software Tue, 22 Oct 2024 20:00:11 +0000 |
All the software on this site works with the RISC OS operating. If you use another operating system do not use these programmes as they will not work, but will work with Virtual Acorn or RPCemu.
Desk Top SoftwareFfiller (295KB) a form filler that sends text to where the cursor is. Ideal in filling web forms etc. Current version is 1.18. The download contains 2 versions. In the directory called NewUsers is for first time users of the application and in the directory called Upgrade is for those upgrading from an earlier version as that will not overwrite your button data. Divide (47KB) a division tester for dividing by 2 up to 12 plus pot luck. Current version is 1.01. Times (41KB) a times table test for the 2 times up to the 12 times table. MACadd (358KB) a simple application that displays information about a MAC Address, the Company name, their address, starting and finishing ranges. It also allows you to output the name and address to the cursor at the press of a button. The data comes from MAC Address Lookup and requires wget and a working internet connection to work. Current version 2.05 Supported Languages
QrCode (117KB) an application to generate QR Codes, which can then be saved in a variety of different formats and pixel sizes. The QR Code is created by QR Code Generator web site and the application requires wget and a working internet connection to work. Current version 2.05 KPDFutil (163KB) is a front end to PDFUtils which allows you to
LipsumK (57KB) a simple application to create a Lorem Ipsum in either English or Latin. Current version 1.00 27 September 2010. Nag (108KB) outputs a word, sentence or a phrase multiple times to where the cursor is. Current version is 1.00 25 April 2011 VKeyboard (129KB) a virtual keyboard driven by the mouse and inserts the character clicked-on to wherever the cursor is. Also you have the ability to choose betweem different keyboard layouts and even to make your own layouts. Current version 1.09 AmaSearch (76KB) a tool for searching for product from the various Amazon stores from around the world. This software requires a working internet connection and a web browser. RandUser (370KB) an application for creating random user data, like a Lorem Ipsum for people rather than text. The information come from Random User Generator and requires wget and a working internet connection. Current version 1.03 Kweather.zip (4.2MB) is an application for displaying the weather details for over 200,000 locations from around the world, location file included. This application requires a working internet connection, Wget and an API key from Open Weather Map which is also where the data comes from. Current version 1.01 DadJokes (98KB) is an application that fetches a random joke from Icanhazdadjoke and displays it in a window, it also allows you to put the text of the joke to where the cursor is. It requires Wget amd a working internet connection. Current version is 1.01 Memes (206KB) a simple meme generator application, current version 1.00. Requires a working internet connection and Wget to work, with the data coming from API Meme site. Network anc CommunicationLink (80KB) is a simple applicaton that inserts proper HTML code for links and email address for use on web sites. HTML instructions in English, German and Dutch. Current version 1.00 PhoneVal (419KB) an international Phone Number Validation application. Requirements a working internet connection and Wget, plus an API key from the data providers Number Verification from API Layer. With support for the following languages.
TransportationTrainTimes (1.3MB) is an application that displays the times of up to the next 50 trains for a particular UK train station and also the time table of a particular train for that station. Current version is 2.06. This application requires a working internet connection and Wget, with the timetable data coming from Realtime Trains API site and the station and train operator data coming from National Rail site. BusTimes (371KB) is an application that displays the times of up to the next 30 busses from a multiple UK bus stops, as well as the route the busses take. Current version is 1.19. This application requires a working internet connection and Wget, with the data coming from Transport API site. Cpm (46KB) Cost per mile. Works out the cost per mile and income per mile. Laptime (42KB) a simple programme to work out average speed over any distance and whatever unit of measurement you want. Current version is 1.02. TimeKclock (69KB)a small clock that displays the time and date in a window on the screen and the time on the iconbar. Current version 1.02 TimeZones (194KB) an application to get information about various time zones from around the world. Requires working internet connection and Wget with the data coming from World Time API web site. Current version 2.00 Lotteries/Raffles etcBingo (66KB) a bingo number generator for UK based bingo rules, it draws a random number between 1 and 90 and then displays the number and also records the numbers already drawn. Current version is 1.02. Help is in English and German. KDraw (66KB) draws random numbers between two numbers selected by the user upto 99,999 ideal for Christmas draws etc. Current version is 1.02 03 July 2009 Raffle2 (146KB) is the desktop version of Raffle. Choose the number of books sold, the colours of each book sold, and the first and last number of each book sold and the computer will draw the winning numbers out. It will not display the same ticket twice. Current version 2.00 03 May 2009. Lcheck.zip (64KB) a lottery syndicate tester, for the main Lotto, Thunderball and Euro Millions. It tells you how many number are winners and on which line. It is designed for the UK lottery. Current version is 1.13, upgrade from earlier versions (49KB). Please note to use the option of getting the last 11 draws wget is required and a working internet connection. Political and Civic ToolsMPdata+ (88KB) gets information about your MP, including their name, Constituency, Party, date entered the House of Commons, Debates spoke in the last year, Written answers (ministers only give written answers), written questions and attendance record, all displayed in a window, also a buttons called
MSPdata+ (68KB) gets information about your 8 MSPs, including their name, constituency, party and when they entered the Scottish Parliament, plus you can get extra info about the 8 MSPs their last 4 debates they took part in. This software requires wget an internet connection and a web browser. Current version is 1.02 17 May 2018. MLAdata+ (85KB) gets information about your 6 MLAs, including their name, constituency, party and when they entered the Northern Irish Assembly, plus you can get extra info about the 8 MLAs their last 4 debates they took part in. This software requires wget an internet connection and a web browser. Current version is 1.02 17 May 2018 . MPdataAU (59KB) gets information about your member of the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament, including their name, date they entered Parliament, their party, constituency, office they hold if any and the date they took up that office. Also the last four debates they took part in. This software requires wget an internet connection and a web browser. Current version is 1.02 18 March 2015. MPdebate (71KB) gets information about debates in Westminster Hall, House of Commons and the House of Lords, as well as Written answers and Written ministerial statements from the UK parliament. Current version is 1.00 05 January 2009. This software requires a working internet connection and a web browser. FOI (77KB) searches for Freedom of Information request on the WhatDoTheyKnow site for UK request and Right to Know for Australian request. Requires a working internet connection and a web browser. Current Version is 1.01 25 September 2014. StreetFix (242KB) an application for displaying and reporting problems to the relevant UK, Australian Norwegian or Swedish local authority, e.g street lights not working, potholes etc. The UK data comes from FixMyStreet web site, the Australian data comes from FixMyStreet Australia, the Norwegian data comes from FiksGataMi whilst the Swedish data comes from FixaMinGata and requires wget an internet connection and a web browser. Current version is 1.09 FinancialVatgst (245KB) an application to validate either Value Added Tax, General Sales Tax or Economic Operators Registration and Identification numbers, also to view VAT or GST rates for various countries. Requires a working internet connection, Curl and an API key from VAT Sense. The reason for an API key is that the free API allow just 100 calls per 30 day period. Current version 1.03 CardInfo (81KB) A simple application to get information about a bank card from the fist six digits. Requires a working internet connection and Wget the data comes from API Layer Bin Checker in thich you will need an API key as well from them. Current version 1.01 BankInfo (112KB) an application to give some basic bank information from either an IBAN number, SWIFT number BLZ number for Austrian and German banks, Routing number for United States of American banks, also can give both the IBAN fields and structures and finally generate an IBAN number. It requires a working internet connection and wget to work, plus an API key from the data provider Bank Data part of the API layer of sites. Current version 1.01 GamesKevmon (73KB) a game based on the late 1970's electronic game Simon in which you have to remember the sequence of coloured lights. Current version is 1.02 16 August 2012, changes from previous version is that you have a normal level with 4 colours or expert with 8 colours. 13s (634KB) a desktop patience game played on a 3 x 3 grid in which you have to make 13 from either one or two cards, a King counts as 13 in it's own right, whilst a Queen is counts as 12 so will need an Ace to make 13, A Jack counts as 11, so will need a two to make 13. The first card is laid face up on the first grid, if you cannot make 13 with that card, you then click on the deck and the next card is put in the next grid position, once all the grid positions have been filled and you still cannot make 13 then the game is over, if you can make 13 with either a King on it's own or with the combination of two other cards, just click on the card or cards and if you do have 13 then new cards will be placed on top of those cards. Current version is 1.01 Kquiz (235KB) A trivia application in which you are asked 10 questions from a variety of subjects and difficulty levels. This application requires wget an internet connection, with the information coming from the Open Trivia Database site. Current version 1.02 kHangman. (1.2MB) a Hangman game in which you can have different word list, with the option to look up the word the computer has picked and sound effects. Current version 1.01 Fireworkz resourcesDataPower resourcesMisc Resources |
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